Gaming consoles are divided in generations. For example; First generation (For the time period of 1972 to1980), Second generation (For the time period of 1976 to1983), Third generation (For the time period of 1985 to1993), Fourth generation (For the time period of 1987 to1995), Fifth generation (For the time period of 1993 to2000), Sixth generation (For the time period of 1998 to 2005), Seventh generation (For the time period of 2005 to 2012) and now the Eighth generation (For high quality vision gaming in 2012 and present time).
The present gaming consoles are Wii U, GameStick, Ouya, MOJO, Steam Box, GamePop, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 is most preferred and convenient for gaming.
Playstation 4 is one of the most exciting video gaming consoles which offer too many things. It is especially to enhance to gaming experience and you will feel the real vigor of gaming excitement with the help of playstation 4. There are many other video gaming consoles but playstation 4 is really very convenient and multi functioning console.
It offers you to watch Media entertainments also. The controller’s grip is amazing and comfortable which will enhance the gaming speed of a gamer. It provides 3D vision or extra clear pictures for your game which will automatically make your simple game an impressive one.